Preço reduzido! Terra Tenebrosa "The Tunnels" Slipcase Digipack CD Ver maior

Terra Tenebrosa "The Tunnels" Slipcase Digipack CD


Produto novo

Black Metal (Importado)

Re-edição do primeiro álbum, numa belíssima produção.

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R$ 58,50


R$ 65,00

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This reissue comes in a Digipack packaging with original artwork encased in a slipcase with new artwork crafted by Dehn Sora. An exclusive "tarot" card is included with all copies. Audio content is identical to the Trust No One Recordings version.

TERRA TENEBROSA pull you deep into a netherworld where hideous Black Metal, obscure Hardcore, Dark Ambient and Post-Chaotic Music work in combination to reform your consciousness. This nightmarish masterpiece sets a new, unfamiliar but mesmerizing path far from the usual clichés inherent in the so-called "extreme metal scene". "The Tunnels" is above... and beyond!


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Terra Tenebrosa "The Tunnels" Slipcase Digipack CD

Terra Tenebrosa "The Tunnels" Slipcase Digipack CD

Black Metal (Importado)

Re-edição do primeiro álbum, numa belíssima produção.

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