Preço reduzido! Warforged "The Black Age of Light's Fall / The Legacy of Antichrist" CD Ver maior

Warforged "The Black Age of Light's Fall / The Legacy of Antichrist" CD

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Black Metal

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R$ 15,00


R$ 25,00

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Heretic Black Metal.

Full length "The Black Age of Light's Fall + "The Legacy of Antichrist" EP.

Seus temas líricos abordam a batalha contra a luz, sabedoria, a supremacia das trevas, o ódio, caos e o anti-cristianismo. Um culto de invocação do Caos esta presente nesse maligno lançamento.


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Warforged "The Black Age of Light's Fall / The Legacy of Antichrist" CD

Warforged "The Black Age of Light's Fall / The Legacy of Antichrist" CD

Black Metal

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