Preço reduzido! Luvart "Necromantical Invocation + Rites of the Ancient Cults" Promo Pack CDs Ver maior

Luvart "Necromantical Invocation + Rites of the Ancient Cults" Promo Pack CDs

Produto novo

Occult Black Metal

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R$ 24,50


R$ 35,00

Mais info

Pacote promocional com os 2 CDs full-lenght da LUVART. Excelente Occult Black Metal mineiro, calcado nos anos 80/90, com a sonoridade mórbida criada pelo Samael, no clássico "Worship Him".


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Luvart "Necromantical Invocation + Rites of the Ancient Cults" Promo Pack CDs

Luvart "Necromantical Invocation + Rites of the Ancient Cults" Promo Pack CDs

Occult Black Metal

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